Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bang - now to see where the remanents lay...

I was going to do more 'tada' posts; but something is wrong with my mouse and I can't drive the tab options here for some reason (if anyone can assist the luddite, my mouse wants to 'clip' things all the time instead of just pointy point and highlight like it should).

So, instead, I'll tell you about the big bang.

The rest of my world is just fine. There is plenty of interest in the house, so we expect that to be gone in the next week or so (thank CHRIST because these inspections are killing me!). Dad is still on the up (we found out why everyone wants to believe he's some closet swilling alco - and that is because apparently, according to the liver clinic, some ridiculous amount of people end up with transplant - AND START DRINKING AGAIN; logic much??), the kids are fine and Grant is fine (except he ate a dodgy sausage roll yesterday - I say suffer because he didn't eat his lunch!).

But work. Oh my god, work.

As I have probably told you, I work for family. Since Dad got sick, that family has decreased by 1. M, who has been there since I was like 3 (there are old tables we still have in the workshop in which I have 'written' letters to him) has taken over the running. That was my fathers wish, and I am more than happy with the arrangement.

My spoilt little bitch sister though? Epic fail.

She is not coping with it at all. When Dad was in charge, she could steamroll him and yell and scream etc and really, have nothing happen (I do blame my father for most of what has happened, he created it and now needs to fix it). She can't tell M to get lost, can't tell him anything really; because he simply will not put up with her shit (have I told you that I heart M??). So, the little digs, backstabs and pain in the arse attitude have just climbed higher and higher.

M has been doing both his job and my fathers; and has done far better than anyone could've thought. His wife is in hospital (knee reconstruction), he has 4 youngish children and is doing two peoples work.

J says to no one in particular yesterday (and please picture and hear the *sigh*, woe is me, drop of the shoulders the world is on it type thing) 'The company cannot keep running as it is'.

I meander out of my office and ask her why she thinks this is so.

She babbles here and there and comes up with 'There are four quotes that he hasn't done that are sitting on his desk' (meaning M. And let me say that if Dad were here, there'd be 34 at any given time and he'd be feeling qutie 'caught up').

I then say 'hellooo, his job doesn't just stop because Dad isn't here you know. He's doing the boys, the quotes, the computer programming, the invoices, the schematic drawings aswell as Dads job'.

'Hummpphh' is the reply and nothing else is said.

Until later.

Turns out her nemesis (she does have a few) has overheard the conversation and runs to M to 'watch his back'. I get a phone call from M beyond furious, beyond hurt and honestly, in the 30 years I've known him, have never heard him like this. He quits, is hurt and cannot believe she cannot see everything he has / is doing to help both our father and the company.

I am so shaken I drive over to speak to my father. He's completely floored; see, no one has told him any of the little narky things that have been going on because he's sick. I lay it all on the table, plus what happened tonight and he's floored.

He calls M and M hits him right between the eyes with everything that is going on. He will not/cannot work with her and there's going to have to be a choice.

Dad calls sister and next thing, I am the biggest arsehole in the world because *I* dobbed. Until she found out what happened.

I haven't found out what has gone on since; but at last check, she was a sobbing 'no one loves me' mess.

Is it a really bad thing to hope that your sister gets the sack? Even though it means I will have to go back full time? (or at least 4 days)......


Leanne said...

J's had a cushy ride for a long time Shel. If your Dad doesn't come back to work the business needs to saleable. Sounds like she'll have to go if she cannot work with M. How's your Dad coping with it?

hissychick said...

Yikes Shel. No assvice here, just sympathy for the lot on your plate right now.

hissychick xx

Lisa said...

It's about time someone told her a few home truths. Your wishes for her sacking are not a bad thing. Not by a long shot. Will call soon. Email me your days off, if any, and I will give you a holler. Mwa. xo

Shannon said...

It just all sounds horrendous Shel. And nope, hoping she gets the sack doesn't sound bad to me at all...

Hang in there - you have a lot on your plate by the sounds of things. xx

Sparkly Tiara said...

Oh my, that sounds awful, but it seems your sister has had this coming for a while.

Good luck and I think you're coping amazingly given all that's being thrown at you!

Jenn said...

I'm glad it's all settled Shel. I hope it's all a little less volatile in ther efor you now.