Friday, September 7, 2007

Eyes wide Open and it's scary!!!

Isn't it funny how, when you change your perception just a tad, that so much that you thought you knew was just oh so ridiculous and wrong??

I find it completely and ridiculously bizarre that I even considered spending $50 on a freaking step. Even more bizarre because I found an old milk crate at work and a bit of chipboard that will cover it perfectly. For nothing. And it was recycled. Bob the builder would think I'm wonderful.

Why don't we all do that? I mean, I'm more than realistic in the sense that (well me ATM anyway!!) we need to buy some things. But we most certainly do NOT need to buy all - especially not when perfectly good materials are sitting around at work doing nothing. (For those that care, I work for my father, and I did ask if I could take them...).

Tonight is a very quiet night - I'm buggered for some reason and tomorrow is shaping up to be another busy day. I want to get out into the backyard and give that some TLC and I want G to dig me a hole for this crepe murtle to go into. I'd dig it myself, but it's riggghhhttt near the water thing and I have this knack for digging and hitting things I shouldn't. So, I shall happily play little wifey on that one.

I have this urge to get a worm farm started. It's like I simply MUST get a worm farm and I simply MUST start reducing our waste. I mean, we're doing ok already, as our council is pretty good in that respect. We've been recycling food waste through our council for a good 2-3 years now, and so far so good. But, now I am a little more edumacated in the ways of both gardening and sustainability - why should I not use it myself??

Not much else to add - work was busy today which is great. On a better note - Mr 'Tude has FINALLY started wanting to use his fine motor skills.

Mr 'Tude has this thing going on, whereby, if he hasn't tried something before, it's simply *I caannn't* and he walks away. *I can't* refers to anything; whether it be undoing the velcro of his shoes, putting his jocks on, or even doing up his seatbelt. It is now time, now that he is interested in doing it all by himself, I simply must take advantage of it. So, he's been dressing himself and putting his shoes on and doing them up etc etc - and today, when I picked him up at kinder, I got the BEST suprise!!

Mr 'Tude drew a face. It even looked like a face. Talk about a proud mummy moment.


Minni Mum said...

Hi Shel :-)

I've just stumbled across your blog, and I'm so excited by your enthusiasm! Some days I get quite depressed by how many people don't seem to give a flip about living simply and sustainably, but then I come across another person like you out there in blog land who's making a go of it *despite* the attitude of their family and friends, and I am once again inspired and feeling positive :-D Well done, and keep up the good work!

Cheers, Julie

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