Tuesday, September 4, 2007

It's funny. As soon as your mind clicks onto the fact that there is SOO much you are wasting; there seem to be endless possibilities for things.

I am currently looking for some sort of step for our camping trailer. I am only short, so doing a massive jump up and down our bed just does NOT do it for me. So, I have been on a long term search for a step. Not just any step - one that was the right height and would also be as portable as possible.
Like this for example;$50 is about the best price I can find it for in the standard places I'd normally look. And, normally, I'd have absolutely no qualms about just getting it.

On thinking a little - my darling husband is going to make it. Out of some scrap chipboard I saw at work today. See?? another $50 saved, and one more plastic step that won't ever have to be made only to get rid of later.

My whole life ATM has been one big *duuuuhhhhh*. I feel quite ashamed actually; how could one be so DUMB??? But, I guess, I'm trying to change, so that has to be a good thing??

My best friends husband gave me a whole heap of red gum wood chips yesterday, which I have started using to mulch the front yard. He is an artist and makes stuff with wood. Nice stuff I must say too. So, obviously, he has lots of wood chips. And, given it's spring and we've no chance of getting past this drought this year; I need mulch. I will need to phosphur the soil - but for a reuse and a cash saver; I was darn happy!!

My vegie patch is coming along nicely; I'm pretty excited about it this year.

For some reason, it works. I have no idea how it works, or why it works; but it does. And, with my new found passion for sustainability and the whole reduce, reuse, recycle thing - I think this year will be good. So far I've only got the standard things - but I think I might even get a little adventurous!!
I also want to show off our camping trailer kitchen. Made entirely from bits and pieces at my work; I'm so proud of him. I cannot wait for our camping trip this year - I have a whole new look on life these days; and honestly, I couldn't be happier.

It's made out of offcuts of some metal stuff called Unistrut, an old BBQ that still worked, but the frame was broken, and bits of stainless steel lying around at work. There is another section that is still in the trailer - that is our pantry. The pink tub is our sink - that drawer pulls out and the tub is (obviously) removable.

Tomorrow is an entire day at home with the tinlids (except for food shopping early on) - and it's meant to be 18 degrees. Bliss!!

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