Monday, November 12, 2007


I'm just sitting here waiting for some bread rolls to come out of the oven, so I thought I'd just update quickly.

Things here are going well. Vegies are taking off and my stockpile is doing really well. I feel much happier, organised and just *peaceful* for lack of a better word.

Tonight I revealed something of myself that I feel a bit odd about. Whilst I am not ashamed or embarassed or anything like that - I just feel that is now officially in my past. And, believe it or not, it's a good feeling.

It doesn't seem to *matter* so mcuh anymore. Which, at the end of the day, feels really good. Like a big weight has been lifted.

Instead of it being some big secret, making it part of who I am feels more appropriate. Not in a sense of *Hi, I'm Shel and xxx* - but in a sense of what happened has built me into who I am today.

Simplifying. See? It doesn't just apply literally - it can apply emotionally too.



Jenn said...
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Jenn said...

It just is...