Friday, November 21, 2008

Christmas photos and a neice

I cannot believe it. We got a Santa photo.

We went to the shops after work tonight to get a present for our new neice / cousin (Harper; I will tell you more about that shortly).

Anyway, Connor noticed him first.


Ok. So, we meandered over (because, at this point, I am SOOOO not expecting anything, especially after the 'no way, piss off' we got last year) and Riley walked straight up to Santa and asked to sit on his knee.

So, of course Connor wanted part of it. Although, he wasn't as impressed with it.

But I was. How GOOD is it!!???

Anyway. This week, my SIL gave birth to a beautiful little (well, not so little, she was 36w and 8 POUNDS 10 OUNCES!!!) girl before ending up in a diabetic coma. She seems to be slipping in an out; according to what I know, her body is having issues deciding whether it wants insulin or not. So, she's either constantly overdosed or underdosed. She's meant to make a full recovery, but it was a little scary for awhile.

Anyway. THE morning. G rings me.
'K has had the baby. Wanna know the name??'
'yes yes yes!! Is it Anderson??"
"Nup: it's HARTHER"
I was stunned. "HARTHER?? Surely you mean HARPER"
'Nup!! It's H and then Arthur".

I should note here that her choices in baby names are...interesting. Anderson was the second choice for the girls name and, quite frankly, far better. But, Anderson didn't get a look in and she called this one HARTHER????

I couldn't possibly believe it. So, instead, I checked with MIL.

"no, it's Harper". She sighed. "I'd have much rathered Anderson"

The sigh of relief was palpable.

Funny - it's starting to grow on me. Far better than 'Harther' anyway.


Jenn said...

OMG How big is Riley!!! Gorgeous pic Shel.

Congratulations on the new niece - hope your SIL is doing better.

foofie said...

When did your boys grow up? :O Esp Riley! :O Stating the obvious but YKWIM!

Anonymous said...

Lovely Santa photos Shel and what gorgeous boys! Best wishes to your sister in law as well - hope she is on the improve

Cheers Kelly

Shel said...

Hey Foof!!! Yes, I know, he's growing far too big too quickly for my liking!

SIL is doing Ok - stupid hospital kicked her out yesterday - apparently the baby is ok, so bugger her. She's to follow up with her specialist as an outpatient. They've just said 'here, have some more panadeine forte, you'll be right'.

Don't you lurrve the public system?

Kelly - thank you - they are pretty cute aren't they?!!

Being Me said...

I can't stand how mothers are pushed off like that. Shows what an overstretched system will do. Best wishes to your SIL, sounds v scary.

Love the Santa pic! I understand your sheer shock and joy at getting one. And yes, they look fantastic - it's a great photo :)