Thursday, September 11, 2008

Start as you mean to continue

I said to a group of people not too long ago - 'It's not as if I woke up, decided to get things organised and just went from a hovel to this; it just is now'.

And it's true.

I have always been organised by nature. My sister, in contrast, is the most unorganised person on the planet. We used to share a living area when we were both still at home, and the headaches....

Being organised means having a home for everything. No matter what it is. If you can't find a home for it, then, in my world; it simply shouldn't be there. For me, it is about not wasting time on stupid things; and making life easier on myself in the process. I know the kids love it too - I mean, what kid wouldn't when every single toy they have still have all the pieces!!???
By simply finding a home for things and putting stuff back where it belongs, life is just so much easier.

This is the kitchen. We prettied it up about 3 years ago - but every morning I come down to flick the kettle on and it looks like this. Why? So that each day starts off new. There is nothing to bog me down in yesterday - no old dishes, no bits and pieces on the bench; everything has been put away waiting for a new day. Of course, it gets messy (especially when I get my baking basket out!!) - and at dinner time, the kitchen is not the best place to be. But, when I have finished with it - I put it back the way I found it.

That is the pantry - just so you know I'm not so severely anal that I require psychoanalysis. Because, really, I don't. It's not me that spends hours looking for things!! ;)

C's room. There are no sheets on his bed because he threw up the night before; but usually, the cot is made too. Nothing makes a room look more together than a made bed I don't think.

Connors clothes live in the tallboy. There is also a built in wardrobe in the bedrooms, but at present, they are mostly for bits and pieces. Extra nappies, wipes, boxes of clothes (only three of those though) and shoes. The ironing board currently lives in Connors wardrobe - I have nowhere to really put the ruddy thing!

This shelf is full of all the beautiful and sentimental stuff that C has received since he's been born. We've had thousands of teddies come through here - but, over time, the Salvos have received them. There are a few up there - one Riley got him when he was born, a beautiful golly doll, and a few other odds and ends. The trinkets are there too.

If I want to sort out a room.... actually, cancel that. I don't know how in depth I'm going to go with this - whether I pretty it on the surface, or whether I delve in and share exactly how I do stuff. I feel like an utter wanker - but people want to know this stuff.

Should I divulge or just keep it pretty?

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