Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Back to the start

After all my banging on about what is in my brain of late, I thought it was high time I got back into simplifying.

The year has started with a few ups and downs; mostly in the time stakes. Because R is at kinder longer, we have to shift stuff like swimming and speech therapy around. Except, that because we need to put his grommets back in, speech therapy is a wasted exercise. I need to call the specialist tomorrow and I am hoping that he can get them in ASAP.

G has rigged up a cool recycled water system. We did have a valve on the side of the house for the bathwater, and a hose going out of the laundry window for the washing machine water; but now, it's all neat and tidy under the house.

We found a wheely bin and turned it into a tank of sorts. It even has an overflow pipe!! So, most days, I have the ability to water my plants. I realise that recycled water probably isn't the best thing in the world for the vegies, but it's working and I am happy. I want to see our water bill this next bill - I have been utterly striving to get it down.

Electricity is my next challenge.

The stock standard photos for posterity...

I have no idea what that flower is, but my goodness it's tough. When we got home, it was nearly gone; but now, it's back.


Shannon said...

Lord, you ARE resourceful with your wheelie bin water tanks and what-not.

Standing by to see what you have in store for us with the electricity...(should I crack a joke about it being "shocking"??? ;))

Shel said...

oh pmsl. How did you get here??

G calls me the water nazi.

Electricity will most definately be interesting - it's already "shocking" darling!!!

Shannon said...

You'd be surprised where I turn up... ;)