Thursday, March 27, 2008

The study

My first room to be sorted will be the study. (Yes, that's right, Grant doesn't go away until next week... ;) ). To me, the study is one of my epicentres. Its' here that I work from home, pay all my bills, keep in contact with a heap of friends and keep all my stationary type stuff. To me, it's vital that it be organised; because it's a small space that is used for numerous things.

The key to organisation is short and sharp bursts. My personal rules tend to be as follows;

1. ENSURE all your "normal" jobs are completed first.
2. Be prepared to let go of "stuff" - or even better, find another use for it whereby you'll actually use it.
3. Utilise the space you have as best you can.

I know it's not a big deal, but in 5 minutes, one drawer went from this;
to this

It's the instant gratification that you want. That "Wow!! That does look good!" Because, quite frankly, if you are going to spend 8 hours doing something and seeing nothing for your efforts, you are going to get sick of doing it quite quickly, and get disenchanted with the whole process at the same time. Which is NOT what you want - remember, we're doing the entire house.
So, for 5-15 minutes each burst, focus on one thing. Whether that be sorting out one drawer of your study; or whether that be taking all your clothes out of the wardrobe. You need to see a result for your efforts.
Now I have finished that particular drawer, I will put all the stuff that doesn't belong there (Crafty bits mostly) into the world that they belong. Then, I will start on the second drawer. Not a big deal, but by the end of the day, I should have 3 wonderfully clean, sorted and organised drawers.


Jenn said...

Please if I fly you up here - can you organise my house? I love it being organised, but the fact that there's at least30 hours work here before you can see the difference makes me not even want to try.

Shel said...

I'd be up there anytime. Just break it down into drawers Jenn - and remember that it has taken awhile to get into that position; it's not going to come out of that position tomorrow!!

The feeling of organisation is worth it. Well, for those of us who have VERY little semblance of lives... ;)