Thursday, March 27, 2008

We're in the handbasket on it's way to hell...

I'm posting twice in one day!! Goes to show just how eager I am to get this organisation thing sorted and done.
Today was a beautiful day. Not weatherwise (well, yes it was really, we got some nice, well deserved rainfall!!), but it was a day just pottering. And, as you all know, pottering is my favorite thing to do.

Mum needed to get some things from the local shopping centre, so myself and the children tagged along for the ride. T'was rather interesting to say the least - I should do a post about the people I see aka Jenn . Suffice to say, there'd be giggles. But, enough about that.

Once we got home, the baby went to bed and the older one wanted to watch Monsters Inc. I adore that movie, so I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone. Given I had started with my study and this was in my study;
I thought I'd put it all into money bags for the bank.
1 hours work = $120.00 for me!!! Please excuse the feral money box - it is about the only reminder of my darling husbands batchelor life. (It hides away behind my desk... ;) ).

When my mother came over this morning, she bought over two massive garbage bags full of clothes for me to see if I liked them before she took them to the Salvos. Before I go any further, lets discuss that a little.

My mother will never try things on. Never ever. Which is great for me; because things that don't fit get thrown my way. Anyway, she'd cleaned out her wardrobe and threw some stuff in a bag for me.

Usually, I am quite pedantic about the order in which I do things. I.e. I am currently working on organising the study - so, to start on the wardrobe isn't something I'd normally do. But, these bags were driving me nuts, so my wardrobe went from this;
To this - in the space of an hour.

In order to do this properly, I pulled all the clothes out of the bag and worked out what I wanted to keep. Everything else, went straight back in the bag. Then, I pulled all of my clothes out and did the same.
Whilst all the clothes were out of the wardrobe, I cleaned the walls and got rid of all the scuff marks that, for some reason, tend to show themselves so prominently in a wardrobe.
Once all the clothes were back in (I put them back in regards to their thickness - i.e. jackets at the back and singlets at the front), I did the same with the shoes. Vacuumed the entire thing out, put all the shoes back and yay. The top shelf was simply a matter of putting stuff back in it's place (and there is a GRAND example of my inability to bother getting a chair half the time!!). Vacuumed the whole lot out and put a few drops of lavander oil on the globe (just to make it all smell nice when the light goes on!) - and there you go.
Break it down into 3 different parts - but seriously, if you haven't been into the bowels of your wardrobe for awhile - there is a weekend job for you. I'd love to see photos.


TheThingsIdTellYou said...

You're just motivated me to do mine now.

TheThingsIdTellYou said...

Err, Sorry. You probably don't know me. I'm Melissa and followed a link from Jenn.

Shel said...

I do know you melissa, as you probably know me! ROFL!! I am Shel.